Heights of Embarrassment!!!

Now without any nonchalance I will tell u that I don't have even a tweeny creative bone in me.Drawing even a straight line was n still is a huge challenge for yours truly.

One day pretty soon after marriage (with lota encouragement from hubbs) I decided that its time I set this wrong right. So with all the gutso, I go pick up watercolors, paint books n all other paraphernalia needed. The very same eve without losing any time, I set to work.The trooper that I am, I dint loose the heart despite the initial disastrous efforts at painting.

Well well, everything was hunky dory until a ten year old neighbor decided to pay us a visit n flip thru my paint book. With the trademark innocence that only a kid can possess turns around n asks hubbs with a straight face "Bhaiya, who is the kindergarten kid in the house who's scribbling away in this paint book"!! @#$%&#$@$

Linking this to AtoZchallenge - E for embarrassment :-/


  1. That must have been one unforgettable moment of truth you faced. Just kidding. Simply go on painting! :)

  2. LOL...was it the end of it??

  3. :-) Meena, this is a cute post! I love how you managed to relate a event in such a short sweet post. It takes courage to laugh at oneself.

  4. LOL!!! Truly, kids are amazingly frank!!
    Don't lose heart though! :)

  5. Aaawww...even I cannot paint for nuts ...but kids are so straight faced isn't it ?

  6. Eeesshhh...I hope you whacked him! ;)

  7. Lol really? :D

    but then KG kids drawings are so pure and innocent. Take it as a compliment :p

    Pree at her White Window

  8. Hehehe do we get to flip thru the book too?:p
