At the Radhi-Waala....

Jus when u feel that there is too much 'commercialization' happening around, comes along a friend who will rummage the Radhi-waala n dig out some lovely discarded books! Her finds in this dingy basement shop(n tht explains the poor pic quality) have included 'The Complete Works of Khalil Gibran', 'World Is Flat', 'Life of Pi', 'Connect The Dots', 'India Unbound' ........

 Maybe she's one of those shining lights who reaffirms my faith in the existence of a non-materialist world in a largely 'monetary' world.

Linking this to May Photo A Day Contest for the tag Light(I know I am incorrigible!)


  1. What are you saying? Such gems with Raddiwala? I used to go to such raddiwalas sometimes earlier but those people would segregate books, magazines and comics and would sell at low price.

  2. That is a different take....

  3. Now that is a different take on light altogether. Nice. I dont have the patience to stand in such places and dig for the stuff. Where is my light??? Huh..

  4. a different take on light . Liked it !
    I too purchase books from similar places when ever I come acrooss !
    Saket in Delhi was best for it

  5. My God! Such wonderful books at a raddiwala!! Shocking and hats off to your friend for going and looking for such gems there! :)

  6. These places still exists it is us who shy from visting them :)

    Nice take!!

  7. That's a super creative take for the theme.

  8. This is so interesting. \
    But Who throws books???? :(

  9. I love your take on all the themes so far! Its so different and yet so apt, every single time!

    I haven't been able to comment on your page from my phone. The browser collapsed every single time. Finally, I'm able to comment, now that my laptop is connected to the broadband.

  10. Your friend is indeed a shining light!

  11. REALLY??? Such awesome books with the raddiwaala! WOW!

  12. you can find the rarest of rare gems at the raddiwaala no? :)

  13. Agree absolutely! She is the light.
