Making a Mango Whistle!

"There was always a way you had to do everything. For instance you had to bathe before you begin making Kasundhi, the Bengali version of tart mustard sauce. All these rituals running thru the seaons.... You simply pick them up  by living in an extended family. Ofcourse, they were mostly practical kinds of activities, but the color, the touch and the taste were always special to the season. It was like being surrounded by art".

Aint there a magic in those lines , possibly the hit of nostalgia ~~ Replace the "Kasundhi" with whateva is ur local delicacy from childhood days and there you hv a longing that weaves into ur mind n heart...... Possbly heightened in ma cas as I hv ma mom staying over ~~ A sure shot recipe to revisit the childhood days.....

This is a extract from the book "Making a Mango Whistle" ~~ By Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay ~~ The abridged version of the Bengali classic Pather Panchali.This extract is politically speaking from the introduction penned by Sharmila Tagore.

This book along with other translations from across India (Malyalamundoudtedly tops ma list) is my new reading muse! Here is to happy reading n a happy week ahead........

Linking this to Color Deckors Weekly Story!


  1. Sounds lovely!:)

    I hv still nt found the book Idli,Orchid and Willpower anywhere :(

  2. Huuumwmm!! Sounds good! I haven't read a complete book in a long while :-( wish I had 2 more hrs in the day
