My Teacher!

From the time I remember as a student, one of the biggest banes of life was my 'Handwriting'. It was the subject of many a ridicule and pulling-up by my teacher and fellow class-mates. As I reached the dreaded class 10, many predicted that this handwriting will be the reason of my downfall! But things soon changed, my then class-teacher decided to take it as a challenge and change it for good!

So everyday for next month or so, she would literally hold my hands and painstakingly make me trace the alphabets in the "4 line copy" book. Well miracles of miracle , slowly but surely my handwriting changed for good ~~ it at least is no more a eye-sore! Come to think of it, she wasn't being paid a penny more for this extra one hour ~~ she could have chosen to spend this time at home tutoring her own sons who were in class 12th and 10th then . But she instead willingly chose to spend that time with me and all other students who needs that 'Extra help'!

This is just one of the many instances where she has permanently changed a students Life for good. Speaks tons for the kinda person she is.

Today when I met her after more than a decade, the tears that welled up in her eyes(and mine) touched me
like nothing else has in near future!Of course the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

Indeed more teachers who will go beyond their call of duty with a heart to love is all the doctor has prescribed for India . Thank you for being there to be one of the biggest influences in my life

Linking this to  As Beautiful As Your Work  as a part of Mia contest, for Womensweb!


Linking this to Write tribe prompt "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. "

Write Tribe Prompt


  1. That's a beautiful story and a relation between a teacher student.

    1. Thnx LF! I think we need more of these teachers today

  2. What a teacher! Have you heard this one from Calvin and Hobbes? "They say the satisfaction of teaching makes up for lousy pay!" Better still see it here.

    1. Yeap I always belive that teaching is one of the under-paid, under-rated jobs! Moulding the gen-next is not a job to be taken lightly rt

  3. That was amazing to read! Such a dedicated teacher..

    I think, we as a generation has been lucky with teachers. Almost all of us have memories of the most wonderful, dedicated teachers, who have made a huge difference in our lives. I just hope and pray that daughter gets the same sort of teachers :) I'm not so sure about today's teachers - for a variety of reasons, of course...

  4. Amazing teacher you had. I also was blessed with such well influencing teachers. My teacher used to say that my greatest gift to you is the morals I give in the boring moral science class. Math and science come and go. :-)
    Thanks for enlivening those memories. Nice read.

  5. Such dedication!! Amazing! Meeting her again after so many years must be a fabulous experience and must have brought back so many memories! :)

  6. Wow! So she is the reason behind that pretty handwriting that I love so much :)
    Btw, what subject did she teach?

  7. So I finally got here and this was just what I needed to read on a somewhat blue Monday morning. Feel so much better to know that there are people like your teacher out there willing to go beyond their 'duty' and people like you, remembering with gratitude.
