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One of the initial first-person opinion I heard of "The immortals of Meluha" was from my cousin ~~ quoting her words ~~ "Shiva is pictured as somebody who smokes Ganja and then lolls around calling Sati pleasantries like "darling" ~~ Now to imagine our Gods indulging in such pastimes seemed letta jus say a little too much for our delicate(!) sensibilities to digest ... Lol!
Now comes in my regular book review confidante ~~ Ma hubbs who letta jus say poo-poohed my sensibilities! He was of the v no-nonsensical opinion that Shiva is hardly as a jewel adorning, polished(if i may use the word) Gods and so well he "Ganja smoking" avattar cant be v far from reality! So this opinion coupled with rave reviews by him n a couple of co-bloggers set me on the book ...
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My review... Well all I will say is I couldnt wait for part 2 "Secret of the Nagas" to release! Now now v truly it doesnt hold the attention as much as its precedor did...... But what it does instead is give u some good "Food for thought" ~~ The story of Sati-Kali does drive home the point of "Duality" ~ That good-n-evil are jus two sides of the coin and what you perceive as good may be evil to the other person and vice-versa! lemme not be a spoilsport n reveal the story to u ~~ Trust me bits of it has a nice nail-biting feel to it...
Speaking of Kali, heres a click of "Kaali ma" ~~ Clicked at ma MILs place in Chennai.... For all her ferocity isnt there a silent grace n power n love tht exudes from her....
Before wrapping up this review, here is a funny aside of how much the "duality" principle is driven into me.... One of the current books on ma reading list is
Nora Roberts circle trilogy (T
he reason I set off on it is cause somebody gifted me tha part 3 of the book :) )~~ The story revolves around the man-vampire struggle to take over the world! Ofcourse no point in guessing that the villain in this piece is the vampire ~~ But but ma Fresh-from-a-dose-of-duality sensibilities was coming up with jollifications as to why the vampire aint after all evil ... They jus are struggling to survive as much as we humans are :)
Lovely Kali!:)