
The Weekend Wrapup!

Nope....the fireflies nvr happened :(. What we instead did was this..

Ma Rock(ing)-Climber!!

Yosh! Thts ma hubbs on his first attempt at rock climbing ~~ He puffed n coughed but managed to drag himself up the 15 Ft rock (with minimal aid of the harness-rope I should add) ~~ Not bad for a completely out-of-exercise beginner I should say! But but reminds me that time I get him to drag himself out for some physical exercise (Me???? Neeeee :-D)

N then right behind went up ma frnd ~~ She with her not-so-lite frame(Now u know whom to blame if u don see me blogging again!) managed to go up the 15ft with the agility that would hv left many men there squirmy! This when many uncles there dismissed her as a mere wisp of a lady  ~~ Many assumed she gona scale a 5ft height n call it quits ~~ Way to go babes! Did I add tht this toyboy of a lady equally specializes in dishing up the yummiest of biryanis n ofcourse in all jatjkas-matkas of a sexy lady :-P

N what was I doing in midst of all this u asked? Does hopping over a few rocks(bullied by the above 2 ruffians) count as rock-climbing???????????

Linking this upto Weekend Wrapup .... Now now Do I hv to get people to sign a caption for you not to scrap this feature :-D


  1. Oh it does count as rock-climbing ;) That hw it starts :P :P

    Kudos to the friend :)

  2. ha ha ha... bullied.. really!! no.. that surely does not count.. You'll have to do this again.. please.. and we want to see your pic.. on the rocks next time..

    wow... thats an awesome weekend!!

    and I can smell her biryani!!
