
The Coin....

As Monish stepped into the church yard, his eyes fell on the water fountain at the center. He had no idea how the memory came unbidden and he silently flipped a one pound coin into the fountain.

Ahh, those Sunday afternoons by the Hooghly river - as his 'gang' frolicked under the railway bridge, strategically poised to dive and collect the 25 and 50 paise coins that the train passengers dropped into the holy river as the express trains zoomed past. the very thought of those puchkas and kala khata golas that they relished later with the collected 'bounty' made his mouth water

So lost was Monish in these thoughts that he didn't  see the church cleaner walking up. The next moment a five dollar fine receipt was thrust in front of his face for vandalising the premises!

This piece of fiction is in response to the below pic prompt at WT

Linking this to last day of WT  write fest. Task of the day is to tell a story


  1. nice short fiction. do they actually do that - i mean i've seen ppl drop money but do they consider it as vandalism now ?

  2. I didn't see that coming! Well done.

  3. Lovely! I've always wondered why people throw coins into temple ponds/ wells and rivers. But recently came across an article which explained the reason. In earlier days they had copper coins. This enriched the water. But no longer now with our steel coins. It's a sheer waste of money that can be used in better way.

  4. Oh dear, what an unexpected turn of events. So sorry to hear! Great piece of writing Meena! :) <3

  5. Now there was a twist I didn't see coming! ♥

  6. The ending took me by surprise. Wonderful write. The memories too tend to hit unexpected.

  7. haha! that was wonderful Meenz!! And here you were complaining abt not writing!! This was fantastic! :D
